As I promised, I'm doing a lush review every other Saturday, I can't believe it's time for my second one already! So here it is...
'The Comforter' bubble bar

One thing I love about bubble bars is that you can use them multiple times. This particular one I have had three uses out of (as you can see in the photo I only have a third of it left).
This bubble bar truly lives up to its name, it just smells of home and comfort. It smells of blackcurrants and other berries, it is quite a peculiar but lovely scent.
After crumbling this beauty under hot running water, a beautiful deep vibrant pink colour and mountains of amazing bubbles are created in your bath and I think it's just magical.
It is a little more expensive than the others at £4.50 ($10.95) but it's totally worth it and I am in love with this bubble bar. I love using it and it has to be one of my favourites so far. I really recommend this product and I will definitely be re-purchasing it when I have the chance.
Sorry this one has been rather short, I am very stuck for time lately because of my GCSE's but I promise you I will be back on track as soon as possible!
Leave me a comment! You're all so shy! Let me know what your favourite bubble bar from Lush is and if you have tried this one or not:)
Also, before you go, check out my social media...
Instagram - livelikelivx (blog) livsambrook (personal)
Twitter - @oliviasambrook
Until next time...
Liv x
I am so sorry I haven't blogged in over a week...I feel like a complete failure, but I have been SO busy with school and homework and boring stuff like that, that I just had no time whatsoever. So sitting here on a Sunday night trying to think of something which I feel deserves to be blogged about, I have come across a picture on my phone of my all-time favourite drink...a Costa Strawberries and Cream Creamy Cooler. Now I know you might be thinking 'why on earth would you want to blog about that?!' but they are seriously the best thing that has ever happened to me (slight exaggeration), I am in love with them.
They are basically just a blend of strawberries, cream and milk. Now I hate milk and cream so when I first came across them I was like 'no, no way' but my friend Lucy (her blog is lucysurplus.blogspot.co.uk) literally forced me into trying one. I can assure any of my fellow milk/cream haters out there, that they do not in the slightest bit taste of milk or cream, the only way I can describe them is to say that they are basically just really really yummy strawberry ice-cream in a cup. And if you don't like ice-cream then they do other flavours like Red Berry and Mango.
I am going to eventually try and make one of these myself (if I ever find the time) and I promise you I will post the recipe, but for now, I honestly couldn't recommend them enough.
Leave me a comment letting me know if you love or hate the Strawberries and Cream Creamy Cooler I would love to hear your opinions:)
But for now...check out my social media...
Instagram - livelikelivx (blog) livsambrook (personal)
Twitter - @oliviasambrook
Until next time...
Liv x
So I have decided to start doing reviews of different Lush products because of my obsession with them. I will post a review on here of a different product every other Saturday, starting today:)
Dragons Egg:
This bath ballistic is truly incredible. It is one of my personal all time favourites and I just can't stop buying it! It smells amazing, looks amazing and is just generally amazing. If you're new to Lush I would highly recommend you buy this product, however if you're not into citrusy scents then I would avoid it but for me the lemony, fruity, citrusy smell of this ballistic is heaven.
As soon as I had a whiff of Dragon's Egg I instantly fell in love and that was before I had seen what it creates when you drop it into your bath! Once you have filled up your tub with lovely warm water, turn off the taps and pop this not so little beauty into your bath and wait for the magic to happen. The thick and creamy white outer layer dissolves leaving your water smooth and creamy with bits of colourful confetti floating around. Then the Egg cracks and releases what you could call the 'yolk' into the water, the beautiful deep orange colours fill the water making an exciting orange bath.
I absolutely love this bath ballistic and the smells, colours and textures it leaves in your bath are incredible! It is affordable at only £3.25 ($6.25 if you're American) and it's totally worth it!
I will definitely be going back to re-purchase this perfect product.
Leave me a comment if you have tried or are going to try this product and let me know what you think of it, I would love to hear your opinions!:)
Where to find me-
Instagram: livelikelivx (blog) livsambrook (personal)
Twitter: @oliviasambrook
Drop me an email if you have any enquiries:) - oliviasambrook@hotmail.co.uk
Until next time...
Liv x
My hair is probably the biggest nightmare ever. Unless you have hair like it yourself then you won't even be able to imagine what a chore it is.
I was born with really curly hair (thanks dad) and as I grew up it just got frizzier and thicker and now, because I like to have it long, I have the everyday difficulty of deciding what to do to deal with my long, thick, frizzy, wavy hair.
I have tried numerous things and at the moment I'm trying out the VO5 'Gloss Me Smoothly' shampoo and conditioner. I must say they do seem to work, my hair hasn't been as frizzy since I started using them and it seems to be 10x more manageable in the mornings.
However, one thing it doesn't do is help with the jungle like thickness of my hair. I hate it. So many people say things like "you have amazing hair, it's so thick, it's lovely" but nobody understands how difficult it is! I could just have it thinned, but that means cutting it as well and I don't want that!
So, I try to do different things with it but I can't wear it up because I don't suit it up, so it's just constantly in my face. I sometimes plait it but the plait ends up so thick it just looks ridiculous. So most of the time I end up just brushing it and leaving it down, wearing it half up half down, or straightening it (I never have time to do that really).
If you have hair like mine, please comment below and tell me how you deal with it I would love to know some of your suggestions!:)
Also, check out my social network!
Instagram - livelikelivx (blog) livsambrookx (personal)
Twitter - @oliviasambrook (this is my personal, I'm making one for my blog though)
Until next time...
Liv x
I absolutely love to paint my nails, but unfortunately due to school I can only paint them at the weekend or in the school holidays. I know it sounds stupid but I almost feel naked when my nails aren't painted and I HATE it when they're bare.
So, I thought I would share with you my favourite nail varnish collection.
I am extremely in love with the Barry M Gelly Nail Paints, they are so good and never chip! The colours are incredible, but my favourite is the sea-green/turquoise blue. The collection of colours is huge, ranging from pastel pinks to deep reds and from pale blues to midnight blues, you are spoilt for choice!
I tend to apply two coats as I feel it gives the best, and more full effect, also, I personally feel like you don't need a top coat as they are 'hi-shine' and extremely strong.
You can buy them from everywhere, Topshop, Superdrug, Boots, etc. etc. AND they are only £3.99! How handy is that!
Let me know what your favourite nail varnishes are in the comments below!
Also! Please follow my Instagram! - livelikelivx
Until next time...
Liv x
For my birthday recently I got a body shop lip butter as one of my presents, I have never had any of the lip butters before but I have had the lip balms so I was intrigued to see what the difference was. I got it in the grapefruit flavour and I must say, it's incredible. It smells so lovely and I found that it is so much softer, creamier and way more moisturising than the lip balms and generally feels much nicer on my lips. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with the lip balms as I have had many of them over the years but if I was to recommend any it would be the lip butters and not the balms.
They come in a large variety of flavours and I have been in the shop and smelt them all and I must admit they all smell just as lovely as each other, I just happen to have a preference for the grapefruit one because I prefer sweet fragrances such as grapefruit to rich fragrances such as chocolate.
If you get chance to pop into a Body Shop store I advise you have a sniff of the lip butters as they are all SO amazing.
Come and follow my new Instagram account for my blog page:) - livelikelivx
Until next time...
Liv x
I have never ever had a blog before and I have considered starting one for a long time now, finally doing this is quite a big and scary thing for me but I will give it a go anyway.
So I will start posting proper things very soon and I hope you guys enjoy whatever I decide to post on here. But for now, lets start with 10 little facts about me...
1. My full name is Olivia Louise Sambrook, but you can call me Liv.
2. My birthday is the 3rd of April, I'm 14.
3. I have one sibling, an older brother who is called Alex and is 19.
4. I am from, and live in the UK.
5. I have never had guinea pigs but my cousins have them and I want some SO badly.
6. I'm obsessed with One Direction.
7. I'm addicted to shopping which is never a good thing...oops.
8. I would do ANYTHING to be able to visit America one day.
9. I have a love-hate relationship with school.
10. My all time favourite YouTubers/Bloggers are Zoella, Tanya Burr, imhereforever, ladysmart, sprinkleofglitter, thatcherjoe, pointlessblog, casparlee...(the list goes on, I pretty much love everyone.)
So there you go, please please don't be shy, if you have any questions or requests please just ask! Don't be afraid to say hello:)
Until next time...
Liv x